Industrial Services

Wattsworth Analysis Inc. is focused on developing, delivering, and supporting the highest quality services that enable their customers to effectively reduce costs and manage risk.

Given the size, complexity and sometimes number of invoices in an ever-evolving market, consumers should have an invoice monitoring and reconciliation strategy in place. WattsWorth helps consumers navigate and understand all the pieces of the IESO settlement process. WattsWorth also helps customers that have sites in both the Retail and Wholesale markets reconcile the difference between the two in order to compare financial performance on a month-to-month basis.

Procurement Services

WattsWorth develops procurement strategies that:

  • Analyze Risk
  • Determine appropriate hedge designs & strategies
  • Purchase electricity for groups in the forward market (when appropriate)
  • Evaluate retailer contracts

Their dedicated team of independent electricity experts provides concise analytical services to help you meet the dynamic needs of the volatile Ontario electricity market. By constantly monitoring the Ontario market, WattsWorth is able to provide advanced Peak Demand notifications.

Industrial Charts

If you require assistance in understanding the complexities of the Ontario energy market and the impacts on your organization Wattsworth can help!